WARNING: A deprecated branch based version specification is used for the dependency ncurses. Please use numbered versions instead. Also note that you can still use the dub.selections.json file to override a certain dependency to use a branch instead. ../5b9a6a9c592222f1656b22b2-ncurses/source/deimos/ncurses/curses.d(1489,1): Deprecation: Usage of the `body` keyword is deprecated. Use `do` instead. source/nice/curses.d(58,22): Error: `@safe` constructor `nice.curses.Curses.this` cannot call `@system` function `core.stdc.locale.setlocale` /opt/dmd-safe/dmd/generated/linux/release/64/../../../../../druntime/import/core/stdc/locale.d(290,16): `core.stdc.locale.setlocale` is declared here source/nice/curses.d(199,22): Error: `@safe` function `lines` cannot access `__gshared` data `LINES` source/nice/curses.d(204,22): Error: `@safe` function `cols` cannot access `__gshared` data `COLS` source/nice/curses.d(209,22): Error: `@safe` function `maxColors` cannot access `__gshared` data `COLORS` source/nice/curses.d(214,22): Error: `@safe` function `maxColorPairs` cannot access `__gshared` data `COLOR_PAIRS` source/nice/curses.d(219,22): Error: `@safe` function `tabSize` cannot access `__gshared` data `TABSIZE` source/nice/curses.d(224,22): Error: `@safe` function `escDelay` cannot access `__gshared` data `ESCDELAY` source/nice/curses.d(242,34): Error: cannot take address of local `r` in `@safe` function `colorContent` source/nice/curses.d(242,38): Error: cannot take address of local `g` in `@safe` function `colorContent` source/nice/curses.d(242,42): Error: cannot take address of local `b` in `@safe` function `colorContent` source/nice/curses.d(254,35): Error: `@safe` function `nice.curses.Curses.keyName` cannot call `@system` function `std.string.fromStringz!char.fromStringz` /opt/dmd-safe/dmd/generated/linux/release/64/../../../../../phobos/std/string.d(222,15): `std.string.fromStringz!char.fromStringz` is declared here source/nice/curses.d(647,21): Error: cannot take address of parameter `left` in `@safe` function `border` source/nice/curses.d(647,28): Error: cannot take address of parameter `right` in `@safe` function `border` source/nice/curses.d(647,36): Error: cannot take address of parameter `top` in `@safe` function `border` source/nice/curses.d(647,42): Error: cannot take address of parameter `bottom` in `@safe` function `border` source/nice/curses.d(648,21): Error: cannot take address of parameter `topLeft` in `@safe` function `border` source/nice/curses.d(648,31): Error: cannot take address of parameter `topRight` in `@safe` function `border` source/nice/curses.d(648,42): Error: cannot take address of parameter `bottomLeft` in `@safe` function `border` source/nice/curses.d(648,55): Error: cannot take address of parameter `bottomRight` in `@safe` function `border` source/nice/curses.d(653,29): Error: cannot take address of parameter `vertical` in `@safe` function `box` /opt/dmd-safe/dmd/dmd-safe failed with exit code 1.